Letters to the editor
Good for the land and good for the people
Marty Martin’s characterization of Beautiful Saugerties (HV1, 10/30/24) as “angry” is erroneous and uninformed. Beautiful Saugerties is not angry but deeply concerned about the massive overdevelopment proposed by the current owners of Winston Farm in their application for rezoning. What Beautiful Saugerties strongly supports is the preservation of as much of the property, intact, as possible, under the terms of the current or any future zoning.
The Winston Farm ecosystem is too valuable to the local environment and, in its small way, to the much larger, global picture of the health of the entire planet as well. Our literal survival as a community, a civilization, and possibly as a species depends on minimizing, preferably ending, the destruction of nature, on which human survival depends, in the name of the false promises of economic growth. And in fact, Saugerties’ Comprehensive Plan (a legally binding document) requires that 73% of the property remain as open space no matter what else is built there. Beautiful Saugerties is working to ensure that adherence to that plan results in undisturbed woodland, wetland, meadow, habitat and water supply, and beyond that, that any development that occurs be done with the lightest possible footprint and the greenest available technology.