About Us
Citizens for a beautiful saugerties mission statement
This decision will ultimately come down to the Town Board, so our local officials are key to this process! Call or email, and let them know about your concerns.
Fred Costello Jr.
Phone: 845-246-2800 Ext. 345
Email: fcostello@saugertiesny.gov
Leeanne Thornton
Phone: 845-246-5652
Email: leeanne.thornton@yahoo.com
Mike Ivino
Phone: 845-399-3507
Email: mivino@saugertiesny.gov
Peg Nau
Phone: 845-246-6929
Email: pnau@saugertiesny.gov
Zachery Horton
Phone: 845-246-9654
Email: Zhorton@saugertiesny.gov
Please submit letters to the editor about your concerns:
Hudson Valley One: submit at this link. Monday is the deadline for the weekly paper.
Daily Freeman: submit at this link or email letters@freemanonline.com.
Kingston Wire: View the website at this link and email bartodan@gmail.com.