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Winston Farm Public Hearing

  • Frank D. Greco Senior Center 207 Market Street Saugerties, NY, 12477 United States (map)

It’s time to have our voices heard! Please attend the public hearing and tell the Town Board how concerned you are about the Winston Farm proposed development. By showing up in person you will have an impact.

Take action now to prevent a MASSIVE development proposal
that will clear cut over 275 acres of hardwood trees, fill in wetlands, destroy habitat for species of special concern, potentially dry up neighbor’s wells, contaminate a 7,000 acre aquifer, increase traffic, and create noise pollution: 

  • Mark your calendars to attend the Public Hearing on Winston Farm, September 21st at 6pm. Plan to come early to sign up to speak.

  • Join our dedicated team of scoping volunteers. Sign up and stay tuned for further instruction on the mission-critical scoping process. (Read more about it below.) Time is limited to submit comments for what should be addressed in the environmental impact statement. Sign up today!

  • Sign the Catskill Mountainkeeper Petition calling for a building moratorium for large developments until the Saugerties water crisis is resolved here.